
Saturday, 11 February 2012

New Tutorial - Gothic Dayz

Gothic Dayz

This tutorial was written by me on the 11th February 2012, any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental. You must have a working knowledge of psp to do this tutorial.
For this tutorial you will need:-
Two tubes of choice from the same artist, I am using Ismael Rac and these tubes are limited and free if you spend $10 or more. You can get his art HERE.
A Scrapkit of choice or the one I am using which is GothGirl by Purple which you can get HERE
Mask of choice or the one I am using which is by Vaybs mask 112 which you can get HERE
Font of choice – I am using Funatic
Plugins:-    Eye Candy 4000 – Gradient Glow - Glass
                   Xero Porcelain
Ok lets begin
Open up a new image 600 x 600 we will resize later.

Open Paper 7, copy and paste into your image as a new layer. Add your mask with the following settings

Delete the mask layer and merge group.

Open wire element, copy and paste into your image above the mask layer, resize by 120% then place into the middle.

Open frame 5 and resize by 75%, copy and paste as a new layer then image rotate free rotate 15% to the right. Move slightly over to the top right of your canvas.

Click inside the frame with your magic wand till you have the marching ants and expand by 5, open paper 4, copy and paste as a new layer select invert and delete the excess. Keep selected

Open your tube of choice, if using the same as me, resize by 75%, copy and paste as a new layer into the frame then hit delete to get rid of the excess. Deselect.

Open element bottle cap key chain and resize by 75%, copy and paste as a new layer placing to the top left corner of your frame. Get your eraser and rub out some of the top of the ring so that it looks as though its coming through the frame.

Open element Cake1 and Cake3 resize one by 45% and the other by 55% then copy and place each cake to the lower right of the frame, add a drop shadow of 1,1,45,5 to each cake layer.

Open element Skull 4 and resize by 40% then place to the top right hand side of the frame. Add the previous dropshadow.

Open your other tube, if using the same one as me, resize by 85% then 90%, copy and paste as a new layer placing to the left side of the tag.

Open singular Rose’s 1, 2 and 3. On Rose 1 resize by 45% copy and paste as a new layer placing on the left leg, Rose 2 resize by 40% and place next to the black rose, and Rose 3 resize by 35% placing next to Rose 2. Merge down these three layers, duplicate and mirror moving back next to the original layer. Merge these two layers then add the previous dropshadow.

Open Heart element 1 resize by 65% copy and paste as a new layer placing between the tube and frame give the previous dropshadow. Image rotate free rotate 15% to the right.

Resize all layers by 85% and Add your copyright and license number. Add your name, eyecandy glass using settings below

Add gradient Glow with the following settings

Save as a png and were done.
Hope you found my tutorial easy to follow any questions don’t hesitate to ask

Gem xx

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Wild Wild West

Wild Wild West
This tutorial was written by me on the 4th February 2012, any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental.
For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro I am using Psp9 but any version will work
Animation shop
Tube of Choice, In this preview I am using Ismael Rac which you can get HERE, please make sure you hold the appropriate license to use his art. For the preview below I am using Keith Garvey which you can get HERE, again please make sure you hold the appropriate license to use his art.
Scrapkit – I am using Lauries Scrapkit Wild Wild West which you can get HERE.
My supplies :- Template, and Animation, these I found over the Internet if they are your please email me so I can Copyright them to you.
You can get supplies HERE
Plugins :-
                                           Eye Candy 4 - Gradient Glow and Glass
Remember when downloading please leave some love, it only take a minute but means so very much.
Ok lets begin :-

1.    Open my template, Shift D and delete the original.

2.    Highlight Splat layer, select all, float, defloat. Open paper 10 and copy paste as a new layer on the template, selections invert and delete. Delete the original.

3.    Add gradient Glow with the following Settings

4.    Add drop Shadow of 2, -2, 45, 5, this drop shadow is what we will be using throughout the tutorial so remember it.

5.    Highlight the Horseshoes layer, add Gradient Glow as before and the same drop Shadow.

6.    Open Paper 6 and copy, then highlight the rectangle layer, select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer invert and delete. Delete the original layer. Add drop shadow.

7.    Open Paper 18 and copy, highlight the oval shape select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, invert and delete. Do not delete the original yet we still need it.

8.    With your magic wand click into the spaces on the oval shape till you have the marching ants, modify expand by 3, Open Paper 22. Copy and paste paper as a new layer invert and delete. Now delete the original oval shape. Move the paper underneath Paper 18. Then add drop shadow to Paper 18.

       9. Open Paper 13 resize by 65%  and copy, highlight the oval background               and select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, Invert delete. Keep selected and copy your tube into the selected area, delete the excess and de select. Delete the original layer and add drop shadow to your tube.

       10.  Keep the Oval frame as is as the effect is like rope but add  
 A drop shadow

11. Highlight your film  frames and Add Eyecandy Glass at the
 The settings below

12. With your magic wand click inside the film frames and
Expand by 3. Open Paper 21, resize by 85% copy and paste as a new layer invert and delete. Put this under the film frames then add a drop shadow to the frames.

13.Highlight the text background and add noise, I used 85%.

14. Highlight the Main text select all, float, defloat and flood fill with #e00409, the go to Texture effect, blinds as follows

15. Then texture effect blinds untick the horizontal

16. Open Element 24, resize by 85% and place behind the text near the left side of the tag.

17.  Open Element 29 and resize by 75% copy and place on the right film, make it look as though its hanging on the frame by using your freehand selection tool, take a wee bit of the handle out.

18.  Open Element 36 and resize by 75% copy and paste as a new layer onto the top of the film frame on the left. Add a drop Shadow.

19.  Open Element 40 and resize by 75% twice, copy and paste as a new layer under the text to the right of the tag. Add a drop shadow.

20. Add your Copyright and License number then your name, I used Giddy Up font.

21. If you don’t want to add an animation resize by 90% and save as a png.

22. To Animate Copy Merged the tag and take over to animation Shop, Choose which animation you want to use and copy your tag however many times needed.

23. Click onto your animation and Ctrl A Ctrl C then click your tag Ctrl A Ctrl E and place the animation in the left frame. Change the properties to 20 then save as a jpg.

Another example of the tutorial

Hope you enjoyed doing my tutorial if you have any problems or questions feel free to email me.
Gem xxx

Friday, 3 February 2012

I'm Purrfect for You

I’m Purrfect for You
This tutorial is written by me on the 3rd February 2012, any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental.
For this tutorial you will need Paint Shop Pro I am using psp9 but any version will work.
A tube of choice, I am using Maryline Cazenave for which you will need a license to use her art and can get one HERE
Scrapkit is Sweet Love by Purple, this is FTU and you can get it HERE
Template by Me which you can get HERE
When downloading anything please say Thank you it only takes a second but means so very much.
Font of Choice I am using Heart to Heart Becker
Plugin – Eye Candy 4 Gradient Glow - Glass
Dbs Flux – Noise
Drop Shadow of choice or I am using -1, 1, 3, 60 throughout the tutorial.
Ok lets begin
1.    Open template shift D and delete the original. Delete the copyright layer.

2.    Open PK-SL-P3 and resize by 115% twice. Select the Splat background, Select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, Invert and delete. Add dbs noise, 50, mix once. Delete the original layer.

3.    Open PK-SL-P14 and resize by 155% twice. Select the Splat, Select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, invert and delete. Delete the original layer.

4.    Open PK-SL-P2 and copy, Select left diamond, select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, invert and delete. Delete the original layer. Select right diamond and follow the same steps as before. Add drop shadow to both diamonds.

5.    Select left flower, flood fill with #790303 and deselect, eyecandy Glass with the following settings

6.    Add Gradient glow fat setting as below.

7.    Select right flower and follow the same as 5 and 6.

8.    Open PK-SL-P3 and copy, Select the left circle background, select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, invert and delete. Delete the original layer and Add dbs Noise same settings as previously used.

9.    Open PK-SL-P12 and copy, Select the left circle, select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, invert and delete. Delete the original and add previous drop shadow.

10.                       Open PK-SL-P3 and copy, Select right circle background and follow instructions in number 8.

11.                       Open PK-SL-P12 and copy, Select the right circle and follow instructions in number 9.

12.                       Open PK-SL-P4 and copy, Select the Heart, select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, invert and delete. Keep selected and add the part of your tube you wish to use, delete any overhanging parts. Deselect. Delete the original layer.

13.                       Change the tube properties to Overlay

14.                       Open PK-SL-P5 and copy, Select the lines, select all, float, defloat and paste the paper as a new layer, invert and delete. Delete the original layer.

15.                       Add gradient glow settings as before.

16.                       Highlight your text background, select all, float, defloat and add noise previously used.

17.                       Highlight the text and select all, float, defloat and add #ec80b8, then add Inner bevel as below.

18.                       Add your tube to the left side of the tag, add the same drop shadow previously used.

Add any elements you find fit to go with your tag, I used,
Butterfly Element 2
Cupcakes 1 and 2
Heart Charm
Roses 2 and 4
And Sweetlove wordart.

19.                       Add your name and copyright details, then resize all layers by 85%, save as a png.

 That’s it your done, hope you found my tutorial easy to follow. Would love to see your results and hear your feedback. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask.
 Gem xx