
Monday, 7 November 2011

Candy Elements

Here are some Elements i have made. Over here in the UK we call them sweets and lollipops over in the USA you call them Candy and Suckers i think if i've got that wrong sorry. Anyway these goes well with the papers i have made. Here are the previews and they are all in one folder to download. Hope you enjoy and if you download please leave some love

You can download HERE
Have fun
Gem xxx

Candy Papers

Hi my friends, here are the Candy Papers as promised
Heres a Preview
You can find them HERE
Again if you download please leave a thank you it only takes a minute and please follow the TOU
Gem xxx

So so sorry

I am so so sorry people for not being around much but real life kind of took over and i haven't been in the creating mind since. My dad took a heart attack in August and my mum isn't doing too well either after her surgery. But i have been busy i have made some new stuff to use some Candy Papers along with some Candy Canes, Lollipops and Bows. Will be posting them soon and look forward to seeing your comments
Huggles to all
Gem xxxx

Sunday, 26 June 2011


Hi everyone here's an update on things going on.
Mum made it through the surgery and they managed to get all the cancer around the lung after taking out a third of her lung but at least this way she won't need chemo as she didn't want to go down that road again. She was in hospital for three weeks due to complications but is now on the mend at home and slowly starting to get things together.
We are still none the wiser on what is happening with Kirsten all we have been told is that bloods need to be taken again, so have made an appointment for Wednesday 29th June to speak to the doctor and find out exactly what is going on. Fingers crossed we can get things sorted and be somewhat wiser lol.
And finally the biggy, I am engaged to the most wonderful man on the planet. We have known each other for 26 years but lost touch due to me moving around all the time with the RAF, and finally found each other on Friends reunited and since then we have been talking and getting to know each other again (i had a huge crush on him in school and vice versa only we didn't know as the two friends we passed messages on didn't bother hehe) Anyway Alex came up for four days after proposing to me over Real Radio and me accepting and we went shopping for an engagement ring. Its a pink Sapphire with three diamonds on each shoulder and the best ring on the planet. I really can't believe my luck is finally looking good and i keep expecting something to go horribly wrong which is the norm for my life but maybe God is shining down on me again and something is going to go right for a change. Alex was up for four days and those days flew by so quick that before we knew it he was away again and i hate it and keep looking for his arm wrapped round me in bed when am sleeping!!
Anyway enough of my gossip i will be in this week with some new Templates, Masks and have made a scrapkit for a challenge in Xeracx Stalkers blogspot so am gonna try making another one and see what i can come up with
Take care all and stay safe
Gem xxx

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Got a new Laptop

Hey all, am not around much at the moment with everything thats going on, my Mum had her operation and was getting sorted taking steps forward one day at a time then the poop hit the fan and she took ten steps back taking reactions to Morphine then not being able to keep her food down since she had her operation aswell, but fingers crossed things are starting to look up. My sister and I are heading back up to Abderdeen next Thursday for a long weekend, tickets are booked for the bus, my new laptop will be fully charged so that i can use it on the three hour journey and we arrive in Aberdeen at midnight. Speaking of my new Laptop, i have the bestest eldest daughter in the world, she went out and bought me the new Dell Inspiron M105R, its like a teal Blue colour which is the colour of my bedroom and i love it. Its a 4gb memory and 520gb hard drive with Window's 7. I certainly need all that space and am loving Window's 7 now that i have my psp9 downloaded and all my plugins are working so i will get to creating more stuff for you all soon i promise.
Ok suppose i have rattled on long enough take care all that come in stay safe and keep smiling
Gem xx

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Here's some Word Art to share, was sitting thinking of different ways to put the sayings that keep popping into my head. Hopefully you like these!! Same TOU please. Direct anyone here to download and above all else have fun fun fun xx
These are saved as PNG so just right click and save to your folder
Gem xx


Heres two masks i have made, just right click and save in your mask folder. Please do not put these on any downloading site, if you use them and want to share send them here. Same TOU for tutorial writers. Above all else have fun
Gem xx

Not around alot at the moment

Hi all, i am not around alot at the moment my youngest daughter is very poorly and we have just found out my Mum has lung cancer aswell. My sister and I are heading up to Aberdeen on Thursday to give both my Dad and Mum support. They say it never rains but it pours well this is so so true with my life at the moment. Please say a prayer if you can they would be gratefully appreciated.
Onto a brighter note though, I have made a few Masks and done a few Wordart saying that i will be posting when i get a minute to myself.
Hope everyone had a great Easter with loads of Choccys. Stay safe everyone and keep smiling
Gem xx

Monday, 18 April 2011

Here's my results

Here's my results from using the template. It was a challenge in Xeracx Stalkers a group i am in and an awesome place to be, to use the plaids from Scrappers Emporium which you can find HERE
Go have a look at their stuff its awesome!! Also used one of Ismael Rac's new school girl tubes which you can find HERE I am addicted to his tubes they are just the best!!
Gem xx

Hit me Baby Template

Made this Template with the new School Girl tubes from Ismael Rac in mind today, usual TOU please and above all else have fun. Would love to see results so email me with them please.
Heres a preview of the Template
You can download from HERE

Here we go again

Ok Google have definately decided that my original site doesn't belong to me grrrrrrrrrr, so will have to find a way of redirecting everyone here!! My life is a pita the now and this just doesn't help, but on a good note i have made another template, which once $ shared stops being the pits i will get posted
Have a great day everyone
Huggles xx

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Raise your Glass

I wrote this tutorial today 9th April with my template in mind, this is all my own idea and any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidental. You must have a working knowledge of psp as we are working with layers.

Tube of choice, I am using the awesome artwork of Ismael Rac you can find his site HERE. Please only use the same tube if you have a proper license to use the artwork.

Scrapkit - I am using Simply Sassy by Wicked Princess you can find it HERE. Please leave some love if you download it only takes a second but means alot.

Template by Me - Raise your Glass which you can find HERE

Font of choice - I am using Amethyst Script.

Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow

1. Open template, shift D and close the original. Resize by 90% all layers checked, and delete copyright info.

2. Highlight Oval background, selections float selections defloat

3. Open paper PP18, copy and paste as a new layer, selections invert and delete, selections none.

4. Delete original Oval Background.

5. Highlight Oval Frame, selections float, selections defloat

6. Open paper PP4 copy and paste as a new layer, selections invert and delete, selections none.

7. Delete original Oval frame and give copy a dropshadow of 1, -1, 53 and 7.

8. Highlight Glass background Left, selections float selections defloat

9. Open paper PP21, copy and paste as new layer, selections invert delete, selections none.

10. Delete original Glass layer.

11. Highlight Glass background Right and do the same as 8, 9, and 10.

12. Give both a dropshadow of 1, -1, 53, and 7 for Left and -1, 1, 53 and 7 for Right glass.

13. Highlight Left Glass outline, Adjust, Add noise - 80, uniform and monochrome ticked.

14. Do the same with the Right Glass outline.

15. Highlight Left Frame background, selections float, selections defloat

16. Open paper PP3, copy and paste as new layer, selections invert, delete. DO NOT DESELECT

17. Find your tube Close-up copy and paste as a new layer, delete. I resized my close-up by 85% you can do this if you wish to. Deselect

18. Follow instructions 15, 16, and 17 for Right frame background mirroring the tube Close-up.

19. Delete the original left and right backgrounds.

20. Paste Full tube and place above Glasses but below frames, Resize 85%. Look at my tag for placement.

21. Highlight Left Frame outline, selections float, selections defloat

22. Open paper PP11 and paste as a new layer, selections invert, Delete

23. Go to Eyecandy 4000 and add Gradient Glow

24. Delete original Fame outline.

25. Highlight Right frame and follow instructions 21, 22, 23, and 24.

26. Highlight Wordart, grab Magic wand and click the 'Your Glass' letters till you have marching ants. Selections feather by 2 pixels

27. Open paper PP6, copy and paste as new layer, selections invert, Delete

28. Add same Gradient Glow as before

29. With magic want click on 'Raise' till the marching ants are surronding it, add a new layer and flood fill with a colour from your tube

30. Add same Gradient Glow and a dropshadow of 1, -1, 53 and 7

31. Delete the original Wordart.

32. Open Element Butterfly11, copy and paste as new layer, place on far left side of Glass, resize to 55%

33. Duplicate mirror and place to Right side of Glass

34. Open Flower9, copy and paste as new layer placing behind the right frame, duplicate mirror and place to the left.

35. Add your name using a colour from your tube, I used a colour from her hair, and place across the 'Your Glass' wordart. Add dropshadow 1, -1, 53 and 7

36. Add copyright info and save as a PNG

Thats it your done, hope you enjoyed doing my Tutorial, if you have any questions or problems please feel free to email me.

Raise your Glass

Hi all another new Template for you to use, made this yesterday (8th April 2011) with Ismael Rac's new tube WildColours in mind as its Pink!!. I am also writing a Tutorial to go with the template which will be posted soon. Again plz follow TOU and above all else have fun using
Gem xx

Heres the Preview

You can download it HERE


Here is another Template for you to use, made it on the 27th March 2011 with spring in mind though here in the UK we are in British summertime but i think Spring comes first lol. Usual TOU please thats all i ask. Go have some fun
Gem xx
Here is a Preview
You can download it HERE

Natural Beauty

Have written a tutorial with a fab kit i found at Fantasy Moments, its Called Natural Beauty and i hope you like trying it out. This tutorial was written by Me 26th March 2011 and is my own idea's. What you make using this tutorial is your's as long as its not for monetary gain.
Here we go:-
Needed for this tutorial
A tube of Choice, i am using the awesome artwork of ©Ismael Rac and you can find his tubes HERE. Please do not use his art unless you hold a license to do so.

Scrapkit is Naturality by Fantasy Moments you can find HERE Please leave some love if you download it only takes a few seconds and its nice to be nice.

Mask By Vix 363 which you can find HERE Scroll down to the middle of the page to find this mask.
Wordart is my own creation its saved in png so just right click and save

Font is Marketing Script which you can find HERE
Ok lets begin.

Open a New image 600x500.
Open paper 25 from scrapkit and resize by 85% copy and paste as new raster layer.
Layers load mask from disk and find Vix 363. Load, delete and merge group
Open Element 5, resize by 45%. Copy and paste as new raster layer. Move to top left hand corner, giving it a drop shadow of 3, 3, 37, and 2. Duplicate, mirror, flip and move to bottom right hand corner. Merge these two layers down.

Open Element 30, resize by 65% and place the frame in the middle of the layer.

With magic wand click inside frame to get the marching ants, expand by 4.

Open Paper 15, resize by 85%, copy and paste as new layer, invert and delete. Deselect.
Move this layer below the frame layer.

Highlight frame layer and give the frame a drop shadow of 3, 3, 37, and 2.

Select paper layer again, go to selections float, defloat and copy your tube close up onto paper. Invert and delete any tube hanging over. Lower the opacity to 45%.

Copy and paste full tube as new layer, Mirror and place to the right hand side. (At this point i resized my tube by 95% you can do this if you are using the same tube or wish to).

Give tube a drop shadow of 1, -1, 37 and 2.

Add wordart placing at the top of the frame. Give it the same drop shadow as the tube and resize by 85% if you wish to.

Open Element 58, resize by 20% and sharpen. Copy and paste the bow as a new layer and place in the middle of the frame at the top.

Add your name using Marketing Script using a gold gradient if you so wish.

Add copyright and save as a png.

Thats it we're done. Hope you enjoyed doing my tutorial, if you have any questions please feel free to email me.

Spring is here Template

This is the first template i made and it got me addicted to making them. If you download please follow my TOU and above all have fun xx
Here is a preview:-

Click HERE to download

Have to start again

Google have been pita's and taken away my blog from me dont know why but i can't get access to it so am having to start again, Don't worry i will be moving everything across and getting in touch with you all so that you know the new URL. Please bear with me in this
Thanks and Huggles
Gem xx