I wrote this tutorial today 9th April with my template in mind, this is all my own idea and any resemblence to any other tutorial is coincidental. You must have a working knowledge of psp as we are working with layers.
Tube of choice, I am using the awesome artwork of Ismael Rac you can find his site HERE. Please only use the same tube if you have a proper license to use the artwork.
Scrapkit - I am using Simply Sassy by Wicked Princess you can find it HERE. Please leave some love if you download it only takes a second but means alot.
Template by Me - Raise your Glass which you can find HERE
Font of choice - I am using Amethyst Script.
Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow
1. Open template, shift D and close the original. Resize by 90% all layers checked, and delete copyright info.
2. Highlight Oval background, selections float selections defloat
3. Open paper PP18, copy and paste as a new layer, selections invert and delete, selections none.
4. Delete original Oval Background.
5. Highlight Oval Frame, selections float, selections defloat
6. Open paper PP4 copy and paste as a new layer, selections invert and delete, selections none.
7. Delete original Oval frame and give copy a dropshadow of 1, -1, 53 and 7.
8. Highlight Glass background Left, selections float selections defloat
9. Open paper PP21, copy and paste as new layer, selections invert delete, selections none.
10. Delete original Glass layer.
11. Highlight Glass background Right and do the same as 8, 9, and 10.
12. Give both a dropshadow of 1, -1, 53, and 7 for Left and -1, 1, 53 and 7 for Right glass.
13. Highlight Left Glass outline, Adjust, Add noise - 80, uniform and monochrome ticked.
14. Do the same with the Right Glass outline.
15. Highlight Left Frame background, selections float, selections defloat
16. Open paper PP3, copy and paste as new layer, selections invert, delete. DO NOT DESELECT
17. Find your tube Close-up copy and paste as a new layer, delete. I resized my close-up by 85% you can do this if you wish to. Deselect
18. Follow instructions 15, 16, and 17 for Right frame background mirroring the tube Close-up.
19. Delete the original left and right backgrounds.
20. Paste Full tube and place above Glasses but below frames, Resize 85%. Look at my tag for placement.
21. Highlight Left Frame outline, selections float, selections defloat
22. Open paper PP11 and paste as a new layer, selections invert, Delete
23. Go to Eyecandy 4000 and add Gradient Glow
24. Delete original Fame outline.
25. Highlight Right frame and follow instructions 21, 22, 23, and 24.
26. Highlight Wordart, grab Magic wand and click the 'Your Glass' letters till you have marching ants. Selections feather by 2 pixels
27. Open paper PP6, copy and paste as new layer, selections invert, Delete
28. Add same Gradient Glow as before
29. With magic want click on 'Raise' till the marching ants are surronding it, add a new layer and flood fill with a colour from your tube
30. Add same Gradient Glow and a dropshadow of 1, -1, 53 and 7
31. Delete the original Wordart.
32. Open Element Butterfly11, copy and paste as new layer, place on far left side of Glass, resize to 55%
33. Duplicate mirror and place to Right side of Glass
34. Open Flower9, copy and paste as new layer placing behind the right frame, duplicate mirror and place to the left.
35. Add your name using a colour from your tube, I used a colour from her hair, and place across the 'Your Glass' wordart. Add dropshadow 1, -1, 53 and 7
36. Add copyright info and save as a PNG
Thats it your done, hope you enjoyed doing my Tutorial, if you have any questions or problems please feel free to email me.