Yummy for
my Tummy
This tutorial was written
by me on 7th July 2012, and is solely my own idea. Any resemblance
to other tutorials is purely coincidental. For this tutorial you need to have a
working knowledge of Psp and using Layers. Remember my tutorial is only a
guideline make the tag your own with your own special touches.
For this tutorial you will
Tubes of Choice or the ones
I am using – Cool N Sexy and Yummy by Ismael Rac which you can get HERE.
Paint Shop Pro - I am using Psp9 but any version will work.
Scrapkit of Choice or the
one I am using ‘It’s a Party’ by Crys which you can download from HERE
Template of choice or the
one I am using by Millie which you can download from HERE
Plugin’s – Eyecandy 4000 –
Gradient Glow
Xero – Frittilary
Tramage – Tow the Line
Font Carpenter Script which you can find
Mask of Choice or the one I
am using WSL221 which you can find HERE.
For the whole tutorial the
Drop Shadow will be – 0, 0, 60 and 4, so when I say dropshadow this will be the
Remember when downloading
leave some love its nice to be nice and only takes a second but lasts a
Ok lets begin
1. Open template 26 by Millie, Shift D and duplicate,
close the original.
2. Delete the background layer we won’t be needing this.
3. Open Paper 1 from the scrapkit resize by 85% twice
then copy and paste at the bottom.
4. Add Mask WSL 221 to the paper, settings as below :-
5. Delete Mask layer and merge Group.
6. Merge the two small squares together then select,
float, defloat, Open paper 3 and resize by 85%. Copy and paste as a new layer
above your squares, Invert and delete the overhanging paper. Delete the original squares.
7. Select the Pale Pink rectangle, float and defloat then
open Paper 5. Resize by 85% and copy then paste as a new layer, selections
invert and delete the overhanging paper.
8. Select the left pink circle, float and defloat. Open
Paper 9 and resize by 85%. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert delete the
overhanging paper. Delete the original circle.
9. Select the right pink circle, float and defloat. Open
Paper 7 and resize by 85%. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete the
overhanging paper. Delete the original circle.
10. Select the small rounded rectangle, float and
defloat. Open Paper 10 and resize by 85% twice. Copy and paste as a new layer,
invert and delete the overhanging paper.
11. Select the middle circle, float and defloat.
Open Paper 11 and resize by 85% twice. Copy and paste as a new Layer, invert
and delete the overhanging paper, KEEP SELECTED.
12. Open up your close up tube - I am using Yummy copy and paste as a new
layer placing your tube where you desire in the circle. Delete any overhanging
tube and deselect.
13. Duplicate your tube layer, and on the top layer
go to adjust, blur, Gaussian Blur 5.
14.Change the blend mode to screen on the duplicate
and lower the opacity to 75.
15.Go to your colour Pallette and change your
foreground colour to ec3fec or one matching your tube and your background to
c0a1cf. Now change to gradient with the settings as below.
16. Back to your template and select the two wee
circles, I’ve merged the two together. Add a new layer and flood fill with your
gradient. Plugins Tramage Tow the Line with the settings as below. Deselect.
17. In your Colour Pallette change the background
colour to 9c4cf6. Select your C layer float and defloat. Add a new layer and
flood fill with the new colour. Deselect and go to Plugins, Xero Frittillary
and add the settings below.
18.Take your magic wand and select inside the
black of the wordart. Once all selected go to Selections Modify and expand by
1. Flood fill using a colour of choice or I made a gradient using the pink and
dark purple colours.
19. Plugins Xero Frittillary again using settings
20. Ok now to add gradient glow to our tag.
21. Go back to the two blue squares and add
Gradient glow settings as below. We are going to use this setting for all the
layers we wish to add the gradient glow to.
22. I added the glow to layers 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 8
but its your tag go with what you feel is best.
23. Copy and paste your tube as a new layer and
place where you want, I placed mine on top of the word art as though she is
lying on the letters. Add a dropshadow using the settings states at the start
of tut.
24. Now start adding elements, Open balloons 2 and
resize by 80% twice, copy and paste on the left hand side. Add dropshadow
25. Open Butterfly 4, resize by 30% then 95%.
Mirror then copy and paste, placing above the tube on the right side. Sharpen
the butterfly once placed. Add dropshadow
26.Open Cupcake 2 and resize by 30% then 90%.
Copy and paste on the left side at the beginning for the wordart. Sharpen
then add dropshadow
27. Open Cupcake and resize by 20%. Copy and paste
next to the other cupcake on the right side. Sharpen then add dropshadow
28.Open the Shake tube and resize to 40%, copy
and paste and move it to the last letter of the wordart. Sharpen then add
29.Open ribbon 3 and resize by 80% twice, copy
and paste placing it on the right side, add a dropshadow.
30.Open pin 4 and resize by 30% then copy and
paste placing it so that it looks like it is holding the ribbon up. Add
31.Open ribbons 5 and 6, resize both by 65%. Copy
and paste paper 5 onto your canvas putting it on the word art, then copy and
paste ribbon 6 to the same place. Now flip ribbon 6 so that it looks like a
wrap around ribbon style.
32. Open flower 4 and resize by 35% copy and paste
and place the flower at the end of the ribbon, copy and duplicate the flower
then mirror and place at the other end of the ribbon.
33. Add your name using the font and place it over
the Yummy, add a dropshadow to the name.
34. Add your copyright and resize the tag by 95%
making sure all layers are clicked.
35. That’s it were done hope you found my tutorial
easy to follow if you have any questions just ask.