
Monday, 11 December 2017

PTU Winter Baby PTU

Winter Baby
This tutorial was written by me Fairygem/Sharon on the 11th December 2017 and is all my own idea and creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental and not intended. You will need to have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro and the program for this tutorial.
You will need:-
Paint Shop Pro - I am using X5 but any version will work.
Scrap Kit - I am using a gorgeous Winter kit by Jenn at Ginnibug Designz called Winter Baby. You can buy this kit at Hania's Designs HERE
Tube of choice -  I am using the cute tube Baby Seal by VeryMany which you can buy HERE. Please remember you need to have a license to use her artwork.
Mask of Choice - I am using a beautiful mask by Mille at MilliesPspMadness. The mask is called MPM_Mask101 and you can get it HERE
Font of Choice - I am using Scarlet Ribbon which you can get HERE 
Ok Lets Begin:-
1. Open New Image 650x650 Transparent
2. Open Paper 5 from your kit and resize by 85%, then Mirror. Copy and Paste as a new layer. Layers Load Mask and find the mask you are using. Delete mask layer and merge group.
3. Open Element 39, Resize by 45%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving slightly up. Sharpen and Drop Shadow of V3, H3, Opa 35, Blur 3.85 Black.
4. Open Element 29, Mirror. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving slightly up. (You might need to move the church slightly higher so that its seen). D/S as above.
5. Open Element 3, Resize by 90% then Mirror. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving up and over to the left. D/S as above.
6. Open Element 5, Resize by 45%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving over to the right. D/S as above.
7. Open Element 10, Resize by 75%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving over to the Snowman. Duplicate and move slightly centre, Duplicate again, Mirror and move over to the left. On Layer Palette merge down twice.
8. Open Element 33, Resize UP by 120%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving over to the left. Move Layer below Snow. D/S as above.
9. Go to Brushes and find a Sparkle Brush - If you don't have any you can find some stunners on Just type in Sparkle Brushes in the search engine. Add a new layer and with Foreground on White add a sparkle to each shade.
10. Open Element 83. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving over to the right.
11. Open your Tube and if using the same as me Resize by 45% then 85%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving down and over to the left. D/S as above.
12. Add your Copyright and License details.
13. Add your name using Scarlet Ribbon font and colour #0352c3.
Save as a PNG
That's it we are done. I hope you enjoyed my tutorial and found it easy to follow. Remember though this is your tag so make it with your own wee touches. If you have any Questions or Queries don't hesitate to ask. I would love to see your results so please feel free to send me them and i will get them added

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