
Tuesday, 22 August 2017

PTU Lets Make Lemonade PTU

Let’s make Lemonade
This tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 21st August 2017 and is all my own idea and creation. Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.
This tutorial comes in 2 parts and 2 tags one sexy and one cute.
For this tutorial you will need:-
1st tag Tube of Choice – I am using the gorgeous artwork of Jessica Dougherty called Lemonice. I bought this tube when CILM was open but you can buy Jessica’s artwork from CDO HERE.
2nd tag Tube of Choice – I am using the cute artwork of Caron Vinson called Summers End. You can buy Caron’s artwork at CDO HERE.
Scrapkit – I am using a gorgeous fresh kit by Jenn at Ginnibug Designz called Lemon & Lime. You can buy this kit at Hania’s Design HERE.
Mask of Choice – I am using a lovely mask by Moonbeams and Spiderwebs. The mask is called MB and SW Mask 93. You can download the mask HERE.
Font of Choice – I am using 2 fonts, for the 1st tag I am using Monsieur Pomme. For the 2nd tag I am using Janda Celebration Script. You can google to get these fonts.
Lets begin with Tag 1.
1.               Open new image 600x600.
2.              Open Paper 2, resize by 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Layers Load Mask and find MB and SW Mask 93. Delete mask layer and merge group.
3.              Open Frame 1, resize by 80%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Image rotate and rotate by 12 right. Make sure all layers are unchecked.
4.              Take your magic wand and click inside the frame, modify expand by 7. Open Paper 3, resize by 60%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving paper to which part you want showing through the frame. Invert and Delete. Do Not Select
5.              Open your tube, Copy and paste as a new layer moving tube to what part you want showing. Once happy hit delete. Selections None.
6.              Move paper and tube under frame layer and give frame and tube drop shadow of V4 H-4, 30, 4.63 Black. This drop shadow will be used throughout the tutorials.
7.              Open Element 7, resize by 25%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving over to the left. Sharpen and D/s.
8.               Open Element 17, resize by 70%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to the right side of the frame. Sharpen and D/s.
9.               Open Element 28, resize by 35%. Copy and paste as a new layer, mirror and move slightly left. D/s
10.         Open Element 30, resize by 40%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving right. D/s
11.         Open Element 40, resize by 45%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving in between Lemon and Lime elements. Sharpen and D/s
12.         Open Element 12, resize by 35%. Mirror then copy and paste as a new layer moving next to glass. Sharpen and D/s
13.         Open Element 5, resize by 55%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving to top left hand side of frame. With eraser tool erase the stalk from the branch.
14.        Open Element 37, resize by 30%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving up to the leaves. Sharpen and D/s
15.        Add copyright and license details then add name using font with colour #84b204.
Save as Png.
Ok now for Tag 2
1.   Open new image 600x600.
2.  Open Paper 3, resize by 75%. Copy and Paste as a new layer. Load your mask previously used. Delete mask and merge group.
3.  Open Element 31, resize by 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving slightly up. Sharpen then D/s.
4.  Open Element 26, resize by 90%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving slightly down. Duplicate and resize by 95% and move down below other grass.
5.  Open Element 20, resize by 65%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to the left.
6.  Open Element 12, resize 45% then 55%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing on the lemonade stand. Sharpen and D/s
7.  Open Element 9, resize by 45% x2. Copy and paste as a new layer moving in front of the jug. Duplicate and move slightly right. Merge down and D/s.
8.   Open Element 40, resize by 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to left side of stand. Sharpen and D/s
9.   Open Element 29, resize by 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to far left side of stand. Sharpen and D/s
10.                     Open Element 36, resize by 25% then 65%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to left side of stand. Sharpen and D/s
11.                     Open Element 21, resize by 65%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to right side. Sharpen.
12.                     Open Element 14, Resize by 45% then 75%. Mirror then copy and paste as a new layer moving down and left. D/s
13.                     Open your tube and if using the same as me resize by 90%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving to right side. D/s
14.                    Add copyright and license details then add name using colour #f41e2d.
Save as a Png

That’s it we are done.
I hope you enjoyed both Tutorials and found them easy to follow. Remember though these are just a guideline put your own special touches to your creations.
Any questions or queries don’t hesitate to ask.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

PTU Wickedness PTU

This tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 20th August 2017 and is all my own idea and creation. Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.
For this tutorial you will need to have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro and using layers.
For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro I am using X5 but any version will work.
Tube of choice For the first example I am using the cute artwork of Kajenna with a tube called Black Cat. My second example I am using the beautiful artwork of Alex Prihodko with a tube called CrowGirl 2. You can buy both these tubes at Picsfordesign HERE
Scrapkit – I am using a beautiful kit by Jenn at Ginnibug Designz called Wickedness. This kit is amazingly dark and can be used for both Dark or Halloween tags. You can buy this wonderful kit at Hania’s Design HERE or Picsfordesign HERE.
Mask of Choice – I am using a mask by Sophisticat Simone – Mask 25. You can get Simones masks HERE.
Font of Choice – I am using a font called Breathe Karma Italic. You can get this font HERE.
Xenofex 2 – Lightning
Dropshadow throughout Tutorial is
V3, H3, 45, 6.92 Black.

Ok lets begin:-
1.Open new image 600x600, You can resize later if you want.
2.                Open Paper 8, resize by 85% x2. Copy and Paste as a new layer. Load mask and find your mask. Delete mask layer and merge group.
3.                Open Frame 8, resize by 85%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving up and over to the right.
4.               With your magic wand click inside frame and expand by 7. Open Paper 7, resize by 60%. Copy and paste as a new layer and place the part of the paper you would like inside the frame. Invert and delete. Selections none.
5.                Move paper under frame then give frame Drop Shadow as stated.
6.               Open Element 47, resize by 55%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Move under the frame placing at the bottom. Drop Shadow.
7.               Open Element 58, Copy and paste as a new layer moving to bottom of tag.
8.                Open Element 24, resize by 65%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to the right. Free rotate and rotate by 17 right, making sure all layers is unchecked. Drop Shadow.
9.                Open your tube, if using the cat resize by 25%, if using the girl resize by 35%. I will be writing the rest of the tut using the cat. Copy and paste as a new layer, mirror then move over to the left. Drop shadow.
10.           Open Element 10, resize by 30%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to the right (in front of the violin). D/S
11.           Open Element 34, resize by 45%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving down and slightly right. D/S
12.          Open Element 6, resize by 35%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving down. D/S
13.          Open Element 50, resize by 35%. Copy and paste as a new layer move down and over to the left. D/S
14.          Open Element 25, resize by 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer move down and slightly left. D/S
15.          Open Element 88, resize by 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer move down and left.
16.          Open Element 53, resize by 45%. Copy and paste as a new layer move down in front of the open book. D/S
17.         Make the paper in the frame active. Effects Plugins Xenofex 2 – Lightning using settings below.

18.           Add your copyright and license details
19.           Add your name using font and colour #d81a0c
With the second tag I changed the mask for Mask 2 from the kit and added Elements:-
4 (resize by 35%)
29 (Resize by 85% - Mirror and move over to the violin-On layers palette move above the violin)
61 (Resize by 40%)
84 Move so it looks like the sparkle is coming out of the frame
Add your name using the same font but change the colour to #ce617e
Resize tag if you wish then save as png.
That’s it we are done. I hope that you found my tutorial easy to follow. If you have any queries message me and I will help out. Remember though my tut is only a guideline make it your own.

PTU Vintage Elizabeth PTU

Vintage Elizabeth
This tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 17th August 2017 and is all my own idea and creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental and not intended.
You will need to have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro and working in layers.
For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro – I am using X5 but any version will work.
Tube of Choice – I am using the awesome artwork of Verymany. The tube is called Mary Elizabeth and you can buy her HERE. Remember you need to have a proper license to use Verymany’s artwork.
Scrapkit – I am using a wonderfully beautiful kit by Jenn at Ginnibug Designz called Vintage Elizabeth. You can buy this kit at Hania’s Design HERE or Picsfordesign HERE.
Jenn sells her beautiful kits under the name LapisGin.
Mask of Choice – I am using a beautiful mask by Savage at Rednecktuts. Savage_Mask16_2011. You can get this HERE.
Font of Choice – I am using a font called Youth and Beauty. This is a free font and you can get it HERE.
Xero – Soft Mood
Lets Begin
1.         Open New Image 600x600
2.        Open Paper 5, Resize by 85% x2. Copy and Paste as a new layer. Load Mask, delete and merge group.
3.        Open Element 5, Copy and Paste as a new layer moving over to the left. Sharpen and give dropshadow V2, H3, Opa 35 Blur 8.35 Black.
4.        Open Element 14, Resize by 80% and mirror. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving over to the right. Sharpen and D/s as above.
5.        Open Element 50, Resize by 45%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving to the left. Sharpen and D/s as above.
6.        Open your tube and if using the same as me resize by 50% then 70%. Copy and Paste as a new layer. Duplicate and on original Plugins Xero Soft Mood with settings below. On Copy change blend mode to Screen and Opacity to 75. D/s as above.
Xero plugin VE
7.        With your freehand selection tool draw point to point a square on the bottom half of the skirt on the tube. Delete then delete on the original too. Selections None.
8.         Open Element 53, Resize by 65% x2. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving down and right. Sharpen then D/s as above.
9.         Open Element 13, Resize by 40% then 65%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving down and right. Sharpen then D/s as above.
10.    Open Element 30, Resize by 40%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving to the left. Sharpen then D/s as above.
11.    Open Element 39, Resize by 65% then 80%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving to the left. Sharpen and D/s as above.
12.   Open Element 25, Resize by 40% then 65%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving down to the left. Sharpen and D/s as above.
13.   Open Element 21, Resize by 35%. Copy and Paste as a new layer. Image rotate free rotate and rotate by 17 left. Sharpen and D/s as above.
14.   Open Element 43, Resize by 20%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving to left. Sharpen and D/s as above.
15.   Open Element 71, Resize by 35%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving down and right. Sharpen and D/s as above.
16.   Open Element 31, Resize by 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving down and right. Sharpen and D/s as above.
17.   Open Element 34, Resize by 35% then 65%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to the right so that its sitting on the top of the fan. Sharpen and D/s as above.
18.    Add your copyright and license details and resize if you wish to.
19.    Add your name using font and colour #25132b and size 72.
Save as a png
That’s it we are done, hope you found this easy to follow. If you have any questions or queries don’t hesitate to ask. Remember though this is only a guideline make the tag yours with your own special touches.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

PTU Little Mermaid PTU

Little Mermaid
This tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 17th August 2017 and is all my own idea and creation. Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.
You will need to have a working knowledge with layers and paint shop pro.
For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro – I am using X5 but any version will work
Tube of Choice – I am using one of Joel Adams beautiful Mermaids. I bought this tube when Joel was with CILM but you can now buy his beautiful artwork from CDO HERE
Scrapkit – I am using the wonderful talents of Jenn at Ginnibug Designz. This kit is called Little Mermaid and can be bought at Hania’s Design HERE or Picsfordesign HERE. Jenn sells her kits under the name LapisGin
Mask of Choice – I am using a wonderful mask by Chelle, she has some awesome masks so if downloading get them all if you can. I am using WSL220 which you can get HERE
Font of Choice – I am using ATCitadel Script which you can get HERE
Ok Lets begin.

1.         Open New image 600x600
2.        Open Paper 4 and resize by 85% x2. Layers load mask and find your mask. Delete and merge group.
3.        Open Frame 8 and resize by 80%, copy and paste as a new layer.
4.        Take magic wand and click inside both frames, modify Expand by 7. Open Paper 7 and resize by 85%. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete. Move Paper under frame and give frame dropshadow V2, H3, Opa 40 and blur 6.43.
5.        Open Element 9, Copy and paste as a new layer moving down to bottom of frame
6.        Open Element 21, Resize by 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving left and down. Sharpen and D/s as above.
7.        Open Element 26, resize by 45% then 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving down and slightly to the right. Sharpen and D/s as above.
8.         Open Element 24, resize by 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer and move down and right. Sharpen and D/s as above.
9.         Open Element 5, resize by 55%. Copy and paste as new layer moving over to the right and down. On Layer palette move under the chest and flower. Make top layer active.
10.    Open Element 16, resize by 55%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving slightly over to the right. D/s as above.
11.    Open Element 81, resize by 20%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing up and left so it sits in the upper frame. Duplicate and resize by 80% and move slightly up and over to the right. Merge down and Sharpen. D/s as above.
12.   Open your tube and if using the same as myself resize by 90%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving over to the right. D/s as Above
13.   Open Element 62. Copy and paste as a new layer moving over to the right. Duplicate and resize by 85% and move over to the left. Merge Down.
14.   Add your name with font and colour from your tube. I am using #712971.
15.   Add copyright and license details resize if you wish then save as a png.
That’s it we are done
I hope you enjoyed my tut and found it easy to follow. Remember my tut is just a guideline make the tag your own.
Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask