
Saturday, 20 February 2016

PTU Faerie Eve PTU

PTU  Faerie Eve  PTU

This Tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 20th February 2016 and is all my own idea and creation. Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended.

For this tutorial you will need to have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro and Layers.

You will need :-

Paint Shop Pro – I am using X5 but any version will work.

Scrapkit of choice – I am using an awesome kit by Jenn at Ginnibug Designz called Fairy Eve. You can buy this kit at Hania’s Design HEREor Picsfordesign HERE.

Tube of Choice – I am using a beautiful tube by Very Many called Fairy you can get this tube HERE. Please don’t use the same tube as me unless you have a proper license to do so.

Mask of Choice – I am using a mask by Vix called VixBigMask 019. You can get this mask HERE

Font of Choice – I am using Ababil Script which you can get HERE.

Outside Plugins :-

Xero – Porcelain

Eye Candy 5 – Impact – Gradient Glow

Lets Begin

1.  Open a New Image 600x600 transparent

2.  Open Paper 8, resize by 75%. Copy and Paste as a new layer. Go to Layers Load Mask and find the mask you are using. Delete Mask layer and merge group.

3.   Open Paper 3. Go to Foreground colours, Pattern and find the paper we just opened. Now go to Pre Set Shapes and find Eclipse. Close your background colour then change your width to 25.

4. Draw an Oval 450x400 and when happy convert to raster. Go to Effects 3d Effects Inner Bevel and use the settings below.
Inner Bevel Settings

5.   With your Magic wand click inside the Oval, Selections Modify Expand by 8. Open Paper 9 and resize by 60%. Copy and Paste as a new layer Invert and Delete excess Paper. Move this below Oval layer. Do Not De-Select.

6.  Click on the Close up tube and copy and paste as a new layer. Resize by 40% and move over to the left side of the oval. See my tag for reference. Delete excess and De-Select.

7.  Effects Plugins Xero Porcelain with Settings Below. Go to layer properties and lower Opacity by 75%
Xero Settings
8.   Make the Oval layer active. Copy and Paste your Main Tube as a new layer. Resize by 40% and move slightly to the right. Sharpen and give a drop shadow of 1, 6, 30 and 8.93 Black.

9.   Open Element 23 and resize by 80%, Mirror then Copy and Paste as a new layer . Move slightly down and Sharpen. Give same drop shadow as above.

10.              Open Element 10 and resize by 60% twice. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving below Element 23 and over to the left. Sharpen and give drop shadow of -    2, -11, 45, 11.82 Black.

11.              Make Mask layer active. Open Element 66 and resize by 60%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving up and left of canvas. Take your eraser tool and erase the top of the branch. See my tag for reference. Sharpen.

12.              Make your top layer active. Open Element 46 and resize by 25%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving to the top left side so it looks as though its feeding on the blossom. Sharpen and give a drop shadow of -2, -3, 40, 7.69 Black.

13.              Open Element 57, Copy and Paste as a new layer moving slightly to the right.

14.             Add your Copyright and relevant license number.

15.              Add your name using #4a34a6. Effects Eye Candy Impact Gradient Glow with settings below. Give same drop shadow as above.
Gradient Glow Settings

Save as a PNG.

That’s it we are done. I hope you enjoyed my tutorial and found it easy to follow. Remember though its only a guideline add your own wee touches. I would love to see your results so please Email me with your results so I can get them added.


Wednesday, 17 February 2016


PTU  Love Is  PTU

Jenn Love is

This Tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 13th February 2016 and is all my own creation and idea. Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental and not intended.

For this tutorial you will need to have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro and Vector Shapes.

You will need:-

Paint Shop Pro – I am using X5 but any version will work.

Tubes of Choice – I am using the awesome artwork of Arthur Crowe. You can get his work HERE

Scrapkit of Choice – I am using awesome one by Jenn at Ginnibug Designz called With Love which you can download HERE at Hania’s Design or HERE at Picsfordesign

Mask of Choice – I am using one of Vix’s awesome Masks Number 191 which you can get HERE

Font of Choice – I am using Ananda Hastakchyar which you can get HERE.

Heart Preset Shape – This comes in Psp but in case you don’t have it you can download some awesome Shapes HERE.

Outside Plugins :-

Eye Candy 5 Impact:-


Gradient Glow

Ok Lets Begin

1.  Open New Image 600x600

2.  Open Paper 13 and resize by 85%. Go to Layers Load Mask and find the mask your using. Delete mask layer and merge group.

3.  Open Paper 3. Go to your foreground colour, Patterns and find the paper. Now go to your Preset Shapes and find the heart you are using. Width 35 and close off background colour.

4. Draw out the heart roughly 400 by 450. When happy convert to Raster layer. Now go to Effects Plugins and find Eye Candy 5 Glass. Used settings below.

glass settings

5.  Duplicate the heart and resize by 85%. Move down to the right side bottom of canvas (See my tag for Reference).

6. With your magic wand click inside the heart and expand by 15. Open Paper 8 and resize by 70%. Copy and Paste as a new layer, Invert and delete the excess paper. De-select

7.  With your Magic Wand click inside the heart again. Expand by 8. Copy and Paste your female tube as a new layer and if using same as me Resize by 70%. Invert and with the eraser tool erase the bottom overhanding parts. De-select and give a dropshadow of -4, 5, 35, 4.93 Black.

8.   Make the original heart active and click inside with your magic wand. Expand by 15. Open Paper 4 and resize by 75%. Copy and Paste as a new layer, Invert and delete excess paper. De-Select.

9.   With  your Magic Wand click inside the original heart again. Expand by 8. Copy and Paste your male tube as a new layer and if using the same as me resize by 75%. Invert and with the eraser tool erase the bottom overhanging parts. De-select and give a dropshadow of 2, -5, 35, 4.93 Black.

10.              Open Element 3 and resize by 45%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving to the left bottom side of the image. Sharpen and give dropsahdow of -1, -6, 45, 13.09.

11.              Open Element 7 and resize by  40% then 90%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving next to the cupcake. Sharpen and give same dropshadow as above.

12.              Open Element 41 and resize by 45% then 90%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving to the centre of the two hearts. Sharpen and give the same dropshadow as above.

13.              Open Element 85 and resize by 40%. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving to the right side of Element 7. Sharpen and give same dropshadow as above.

14.             Open Element 93 and resize by 40%. Copy and Paste as  new layer moving to the bottom right Sharpen and give a dropshadow of 1, 6, 30, 8.93.

15.              Open Element 101. Copy and Paste as a new layer moving to the bottom of the tag over the elements.

16.             Add your Name using #670b0d. Add Eye Candy Impact Gradient Glow with the settings below.
gradient glow settings

17.             Add your Copyright and relevant license Number.

Save as a PNG

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial, remember this is just a guideline make the tag your own. I would love to see your results so please feel free to email me so I can get them added.
