
Friday, 13 December 2013

More Snow Globes

Here are a few more Snow Globes for you to play with
Same TOU as always
Have fun 

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Four More Snow Globes

Here's another four Snow Globes for you to use. Just Right click and save
Remember if used in a tutorial send to my blog for download and they are not 
to be used for monetry gain but above all else have fun with them

Snow Globes

With Christmas Coming up most people like to make Snow Globe tags so here are three templates i have made for you to use in making them
These are saved in png so its a case of right click and save to your harddrive. If you use them in a tutorial please send to my blog for download, and remember not to be used for monetry gain
Thanks and have loads of fun 


Thursday, 5 December 2013

FTU Deck The Halls

Deck The Halls
This tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 5th December 2013 and is all my own idea. Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely co-incidental and not intended.
For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint shop pro – I am using PspX5 but any one will work the same.
A Tube of Choice – I am using the awesome artwork of Arthur Crowe you must have a license to use his work. You can find him HERE
Scrapkit of Choice – I am using Pink Xmas by TracyF.Designz. This is FTU and you can get it HERE
Mask of Choice – I am using Mask 103 by Gems Which you can get HERE
My Deck the Halls Template which you can download from HERE
Font of Choice – I am using Aquarelle which you can get HERE
Plugins – Eye Candy 4 Glass – Default settings
Eye Candy 4 Gradient Glow
Ok lets begin:-

1.     Open my template, shift D and delete the original. Delete the TOU layer.
2.     Open Paper 26 from the scrapkit and copy paste as a new layer at the bottom of the layers.
3.     Go to Layers Load mask from disc, delete mask layer merge group. Resize by 105% then duplicate twice to make the mask layer darker.
4.     Merge the two rectangle layers together, select float, defloat. Open paper 6, copy and paste as a new layer. Resize paper by 125%.  Invert and delete the overhanging paper. Delete the original layer.
5.     Merge the two circles together select float, defloat. Open Paper 28, copy and paste as a new layer. Resize the paper by 125%. Invert and delete the overhanging paper. Delete the original layer.
6.     Select the oval, select float, defloat. Open Paper 2, copy and paste as a new layer. Resize the paper by 125%. Invert and delete the overhanging paper. Delete the original layer.
7.     Merge the two small ovals together, select float, defloat. Open Paper 18, copy and paste as a new layer. Resize the paper by 110%. Invert and delete the overhanging paper. Delete the original layer.
8.     Merge the two squares together, select float, defloat. Open Paper 15, Copy and paste as a new layer. Invert and delete the overhanging paper. Delete the original layer.
9.     Select the large rectangle, select float, defloat. Open Paper 4, Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize the paper by 125%. Invert and delete the overhanging paper. Delete the original layer.
10. Select the left side frame background, select float, defloat. Open Paper 16, copy and paste as a new layer moving so that its in your frame. Invert and delete the overhanging paper. Keep selected.
11. Highlight your tube close up, copy and paste onto your working layer as a new layer, move to where you like it and resize if needed I resized by 75%. Delete the overhanging tube. Deselect.
12. Change the blend mode to Hard light and the opacity down to 65%.
13. Select the right side frame background and follow instructions 10 and 11, only mirroring your tube close up.
14.  Merge together the two frames, select float, defloat. Add a new layer and flood fill with a silver gradient or pattern. I used a pattern I have had for a long time and would share but I can’t remember where I got it.
15. Effects plugins Eye Candy 4 Glass with the default settings but making sure the colour is changed to white.
16. Highlight the wordart background layer, select float defloat. Add a new layer and flood fill with your silver pattern or gradient. Add a dropshadow of 2, 2, 50 and 5. Deselect and delete the original layer.
17. Highlight the Wordart layer, select float defloat. Flood fill with a colour from your tube, I used #680633. Make sure you flood fill the original layer as that way you get the pretty sprig on your finished result.
18. Add your main tube and place in the middle of the two frames below the word art layers. Resize by 70% then 85% if using the same tube as me. Add a dropshadow to your tube I used -2, 2, 40 and 3.
19. Start adding your elements to the tag and placing where you think it best or see my tag for placement.
I used
Skates 1
Tree 1
Snowflake 3
Bauble 3
Remember when resizing sharpen the element when finished.
20. Add your copyright and license if needed then add your name, I used a gradient glow on my name of 3 25 and 100 fat setting. Save your tag as a png.

That’s it we’re done hope you found this easy to follow remember my tutorial is only a guide line put your own touches to the tag to make it yours.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Deck The Halls Template

I made this template with Arthur Crowes new Christmas Tubes in mind, and also with the new tutorial I am in the process for writing. 
Heres the Preview of the Template
Deck the Halls Template Preview
And you can find it HERE
Hope you have fun using it 
Sharon/Gem xx 

Monday, 30 September 2013


zombie tag
This tutorial was written by me on the 30th September 2013 and is purely my own idea, any resemblance to other tutorials is purely co-incidental and not intended.
For this tutorial you need to have a working knowledge of layers.
What you need:-
Paint Shop Pro, I am using psp9 but any psp will work.
Tube of choice, I am using the awesome artwork of Arthur Crowe. You need to have a license to use his work which you can get HERE.
Scrapkit of choice, I am using a scrapkit called Zombie by Kittz creations which you can download HERE.
My Zombie template which you can download HERE
Font of choice, I am using Seven Monkeys Fury.
Mask of choice, I am using 157 by Cat at Insatiable dreams which you can get HERE.
Eye Candy 4000 – Gradient Glow
Tramage – Tow the Line
Ok lets begin.
1.    Open my template Shift D and delete the original. Delete the TOU layer.
2.    Go to the bottom of the template and Open paper 7, Layers load mask from disc and find 157 insatiable dreams. Load the mask, delete mask layer then merge group.
 3.    Merge together the top left and bottom right circle, select float, defloat and open paper 11. Copy and paste as a new layer invert and delete. Deselect and delete the original layer.
 4.    Highlight the rectangle layer, select float, defloat and open paper 1. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert delete. Deselect and delete the original layer.
 5.    Merge together the top right square and bottom left square, select float and defloat. Open paper 9 copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete. Deselect and delete the original layer.
 6.    Highlight the oval layer, select float, defloat and open paper 3. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert delete. Deselect and delete the original layer.
 7.    Merge together bottom left circle with top right circle, select float and defloat. Open paper 10. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete. Deselect and delete the original layer.
 8.    Highlight middle circle, select float and defloat. Add a new layer and flood fill with #d22155. Effects Tramage – Tow the line and use the default settings. Deselect and delete the original layer.
 9.  Highlight the middle square, select float and defloat. Open paper 8 and resize by 70%. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert delete. Deselect and delete the original layer.
10.    Open your tube, if using the same tube as me resize by 65% then 94%. A close up is the best for this tutorial. Remember to sharpen your tube after resizing. Place the tube between the square so equal parts are showing see my tag for placement.
 11.  Open Z-61 element and resize by 35%. Copy and paste as a new layer moving to the top right side of the tag. Remember to sharpen.
 12. Open Z-28 element and resize by 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing on the right side of the tube.
 13.   Open Z-3 element and resize by 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing to the left side of the tube.
 14.    Open Z-5 element and resize by 45%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing to the far left side of the tube.
 15.   Open Z-23 element and resize by 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing in front of the tube.
 16.   Open Z-2 element and resize by 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing at the top left side of the tag.
 17.    Open Z-19 element and resize by 40%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing in the middle left side of the tag. Image rotate free rotate 11% to the left.
18.   Open Z-33 element and resize by 45%. Copy and paste as a new layer placing to the far right side of the tag.
 19.    Go back to your tube and add gradient glow with the settings below.
gradient glow setting 1
gradient glow setting 2
 20.    Add your copyright and watermark.
 21.       Add your name with your font of choice or the one I am using. Add same gradient glow as previously used.
 22.      Save as a png.
Hope you had fun doing my tutorial if you have any questions leave a comment and i'll get back to you asap.
Gem/Sharon xxx

SCROOGED - Old Skool Tutorial

Old Skool Tutorial
 scrooged tag
This tutorial was written by Me on the 30th September 2013 and is all my own idea. Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely co-incidental and not intended.
For this tutorial you will need to have a knowledge of working with layers, plugins and paint shop pro. No outside scraps are used in this tutorial.
What you need:-
Paint shop pro – I am using psp 9 but any psp will work
Psp filters
Fine Leather
Outside plugins
Tramage – Tow the Line – Dots and Cross
Dbs Flux – Bright Noise
Mura Meister – Tone
Tube of Choice I am using Dave Nestler, to use his work you need a license which you can get at CDO HERE
My Template 2 which you can get HERE
Ok lets begin
 1. Open my template, shift D and delete the original.
 2. Delete the TOU layer.
 3. Merge down the Right and Left oval. Selections float, defloat and flood fill with a colour from your tube, I used #82767e.
 4. Duplicate the layer and on the original go to Gaussian Blur 10. Then add Mura Meister Tone.
5. Go to the original and Select float, defloat, then expand by 5, back to the original and invert delete. This will get rid of the hanging tone.
 6. Back to the copy and go to Tramage Tow the line with the default settings.
 7. Highlight  Large rectangle select float, defloat and flood fill with a colour of choice or I used #af85a2.
 8. Effects texture effects, blinds with these settings:- Width 2, Opacity 30, Colour Black, Horizontal and Light from left/top Checked.
 9. Back to effects, blinds but unchecking horizontal. Deselect.
 10. Merge down Top left circle with bottom right circle. Select float, defloat and flood fill with #564f5b or a colour of choice. Go to effects, texture effects Fine Leather using these settings, Colour #dcdcdc, Angle 30, Blur 40, Transparency 250, Number of Furrows 40 and Length of Furrows 4. Deselect.
 11. Merge together Top right rectangle and bottom left rectangle, select float, defloat and flood fill with a colour of choice I am using #cbcdd3.
 12. Effects Dots and Cross default settings. Deselect.
 13. Select the main square, float, defloat and flood fill with a colour of choice or the one I am using, #949198.
 14. Effects Texture effect Weave with the following settings, Gap size 2, Width 6, Opacity 1, Weave and Gap colour White, Fill Gap checked. Do not deselect yet.
 15. Open your tube Copy and paste as a new layer into the main square,invert and delete the overhanging tube. Add a dropshadow  3, 3, 50 and 5, colour Black.  Deselect.
 16. Highlight the snowflake layer, select float, defloat, effects Dbs Flux Bright noise, Intensity 76 Mix. Add the same dropshadow previously used.
 17.  Add your copyright and whatever watermark you use.
 18. Add your name with your font of choice, I used Viner Hand ITC and give a Gradient Glow with the following settings below
gradient glow settings 1
gradient glow settings 2
 19. Save as a png.
20. That’s it we’re done I hope you found this easy to follow and enjoyed going back to the old skool way.
Gem/Sharon xx