
Sunday, 30 December 2012

Happy New Year Timeline - PTU

Happy New Year Timeline
Not at proper size
Timeline Cover

This tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 30th December 2012 and is all my own idea. Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely coincidental and not intended. You will need to have a working knowledge of Paint Shop pro and using layers. 

For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro - I am using Psp 9  but any version will work.
A tube of Choice - I am using Keith Garvey and you must have a license to use his artwork. You can find him HERE
A Scrapkit of Choice - I am using a PTU kit by Bibi's collection called Bibi New Year 2013 which you can find HERE. This kit is on sale for $1 and is definately a brilliant buy.
Font of Choice - I am using The Mocking Bird which you can find HERE 
Plugins :-
Mura Meister - Copies
Eye Candy 4 - Gradient Glow

Ok lets begin.

1. Open a working layer of 800x300

2. Open your tube, copy and paste as a new layer onto your working layer. 

3. Duplicate your tube and on the original Effects, Mura Meister Copies with the settings below
Mura Meister Settings 1

4. Adjust Blur Radial Blur with the settings below
Radial Blur settings

5. Move your layer up so that the pinpoint is in the middle of your canvas.

6. Open Paper 12 and resize by 135%, Copy and paste onto your canvas. Change the blendmode to Overlay.

7. Find the font you are using and type out 2013 size 48. Align center of canvas. 

8. Go to Mura Meister Copies and use the settings below
Mura Meister settings 2

9. Change the blend mode to Soft light and opacity to 75%

10. Open your close up tube, Copy and paste as a new layer, Move to the far right side showing the face but not alot of the hair. Change the blendmode to Soft light.

11. Open Element 65 (fireworks), copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas. Move to the right side of your canvas.

12. Duplicate and mirror moving the fireworks more to the center, then merge down. 

13. Open element 35, Copy and paste onto your canvas and move down till you can see the clock in the center of your canvas. Change the blendmode to Hard light.

14. Find a nice silver gradient and with your Mocking Bird font write out Happy New Year. See my tag for placement. 

15. Change the blendmode to Hardlight. Duplicate and move to the left side of your canvas. 

16. Unhide your tube layer, and move to the left side of your canvas.

17. Add a dropshadow of -2,2,50 and 5 to your tube layer.

18. Add a new layer, Selections all, Modify, Contrast by 5, selections Invert and flood fill with your silver gradient. 

19. Effects and Enhance.

20. Add your name using the Mocking Bird font, Effects Gradient Glow with the settings below
Gradient Glow settings 1
gradient glow settings 2

21. Add your copyright and proper license then save as a png.

Thats it we're done. Hope you found my tutorial easy to follow if you have any questions please pm and i'll get back to you 

Gem xxx

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Cityside Celebrations - PTU


Cityside Celebrations
fairygem cityside celebrations

This tutorial was written by me Fairygem, on the 27th of December 2012 and is all my own idea. Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental and not intended. I don't normally use PTU kits in my tutorials but i couldn't help myself with the New Year kits Bibi's collection has come out with. You will need a working knowledge of Paint shop pro when doing this tutorial. 

For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro - I am using Psp9 but any version will work.
Tube of choice - I am using the awesome artwork of Keith Garvey, you will need to have a license to use his art which you can purchase from HERE
Scrapkit of Choice or the one i am using by Bibi's Collections called 2013 Fireworks. You can purchase the scrapkit from HERE
Mask of Choice or the one i am using by WeeScotsLass - WSL_mask289 which you can find HERE
Font of Choice or the one i am using - Aka Dora which you can find HERE
Plugin :- Eyecandy 4 - Gradient Glow

Ok lets begin

1. Open a working layer 600x600.

2. Add Paper 13, Layers Load mask from disk and find Wsl_mask289. Delete the mask layer then merge group together. 

3. Open Element 50, copy and paste as a new layer, and move to the right hand side of the tag.

4. Highlight Element 50, Selections Float, defloat and paste your close up onto the cityline. Selections Invert and delete. Change the blend mode to Hard Light and the Opacity to 75%

5. Open Element 11, Copy and paste as a new layer above the mask layer moving it to top right. 

6. Open Element 13, Copy and paste moving to the top left hand side.

7. Open Element 19, Copy and paste moving it over your City line and your close up.

8. Open Element 22, Copy and paste moving towards the top of the lefthand side.

9. Open Element 25,Resize by 60%, Copy and paste moving to the botton lefthand side at your cityline.

10. Open Element 26, Resize by 50%, Copy and paste placing it next to the globe but nearer to the righthand side of the tag.

11. Open Element 38, Resize by 50%, Copy and paste placing it at the top of the buildings. Check my tag out for placement. 

12. Still on Element 38, Selections float, defloat, Modify and Expand by 3, Add a new layer and flood fill with C0c0c0. Deselect then go to Adjust Add/Remove noise. Add noise 82% Random. Move underneath Element 38.

13. Open Element 54, resize by 40%, copy and paste placing next to the heart candle. 

14. Open your tube, Copy and Paste placing it at the right hand side of the tag. 

15. Selections float, defloat, Modify and Expand by 3. Add a new layer and flood fill with white. Deselect.

16. Add/Remove noise 82% Random. 

17. Add a dropshadow of -2, 2, 50 and 5 and move under the tube layer. 

18. Add your name, then Eyecandy 4 Gradient Glow with the settings below
Gradient glow settings 1
gradient glow settings 2

19. Take your Magic wand and click inside the Glow till the ants are marching around it. Adjust Add/Remove noise and add noise at 65% Gaussian.

20. Add your Copyright and license number and Save as a png

Hope you had fun following my tutorial if you have any questions feel free to pm and i'll get back to you asap.
Have a Wonderful New Year
Gem xxx

Wanna Pop my Cork


Wanna Pop My Cork


This tutorial was written by me Fairygem, on the 27th December 2012 and is all my own idea. If it resembles any other tutorial its purely coincidental and not intended. 
For this tutorial you will need to have a working knowledge of Paint shop pro and working with layers. 

For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro - I am using Psp9 but any one will work.
Scrapkit of Choice - I am using a PTU by Jens called Party like its 2013 which you can find HERE
Template of Choice - I am using a collab by Kandee called Pop My Cork which you can find HERE on Kandi's site or HERE on Dee's site.
Tube of Choice - I am using Arthur Crowe which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice or the one i am using - Vix's masks are awesome have a lookie at what she offers for us mere taggers. I'm using her mask 208 which you can get HERE
Font of Choice or the one i am using called Aquarelle which you can find HERE

Ok lets begin

1. Open Kandee's template shift and d to duplicate

2. Open Paper 2 from the scrapkit, resize by 85% twice. Copy and paste as a new layer.

3. Layers load Mask and find Vix's mask 208, delete mask and merge group. 

4. Highlight Beige layer, select all float, defloat. 

5, Open Paper 6, resize by 85%. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your working layer. Invert and delete. Delete the original beige layer. 

6. Highlight the Black strip layer, Select, float defloat.  Add a new layer and flood fill with a gold gradient. Selections None. Delete the original. 

7. Highlight the Green strip, Selections float, defloat. Add a new layer and flood fill with #460202. Then go to Effects blinds, with the settings below. 
blinds effect

8. Highlight the white strip, select float defloat. Add a new layer and flood fill with your gold gradient. Delete the original layer. 

9. Merge the two Red circles together, select, float defloat. 

10. Open Glitter 2, Resize by 85% three times. Copy and paste as a new layer. Invert and Delete.  Delete the original.

11. Highlight the Large black square, selections float, defloat. Open Paper 3, Resize by 85% twice, copy and paste as a new layer. Invert delete. Delete the original.

12. Highlight the Green circle, Selections float, defloat. Open Paper 4, resize by 85% twice. Copy and paste as a new layer. Invert delete. Delete the original. 

13. Highlight the Red ring, Selections float, defloat and open Glitter 4. Resize by 65%, remember to Sharpen the glitter tile. Adjust Sharpen once. Copy and paste glitter as a new layer. Invert delete. Delete the original. 

14. Highlight the Green ring, Selections float, defloat Add a new layer and flood fill with the colour previously used. Delete the original. 

15. Highlight the White ring, Selections float, defloat. Add a new layer and flood fill with your gold gradient. Delete the original. 

16. Highlight the White square, Selections float, defloat. Open Paper 5, resize by 85% twice, copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete. Delete the original. 

17. Highlight the Black square, Selections float, defloat. Open Paper 6 and resize by 85% twice. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete. Delete the original.

18. Click on the Dashed squares and Add a new layer. Floodfill with the colour previously used. Go back to the Dashed squares and highlight. Selections float, defloat then back to the colour layer hit invert and delete. Delete the original layer.  I know this a roundabout way to fill the dashes but i find it the easiest way, if yours is easier then do your way. 

19. Highlight the White circle, Selections float, defloat. Open Glitter 1 and resize by 65%. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete. Delete the original.

20. Highlight the Red circle, Selections float, defloat. Open Paper 8, resize by 65%, Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete. Do not deselect. 

21. Open your close up tube, mirror then Copy and paste as a new layer. Place what part of the tube you wish to show, then hit delete. Deselect and delete the original layer. 

22. Highlight the Circle spray then add a new layer. Flood fill with the gold gradient. Go back to your Circle spray layer, select float, defloat, Invert and go to your gold gradient layer and delete. Delete the original. 

23. Highlight the Word art back, adjust add remove noise and add at Random 82%. If you wish to use a different colour feel free, remember this is your tag. 

24. Highlight the Wordart, go to Adjust, Colour balance, Manuel Colour change and change to a colour you would like, I stuck with Red as that is the base colour of this tag. 

25. Highlight the Bottle layer, Effects Inner Bevel and use the settings below. 
Inner bevel

26. Highlight the Stars layer and merge with the Dotted lines layer. Add a new layer and flood fill with your gold gradient, then back to the merged layer, Selections float, defloat. Back to the flooded layer Invert and delete. Delete the original layer. 

27.  Open your tube of choice, Copy and paste placing on the left side of the tag. See my tag for placement. Add a drop shadow of -2, 2, 50 and 5. 

28. Open the Champagne element, resize by 65% then copy and paste placing it on the right side of the tag. 

29. Open Cupcake 2, resize by 35%, copy and paste placing next to the champagne element. 

30. Open the Balloon element and resize by 70%. Copy and paste under your tube at the top of the left side. Duplicate by 70% again, sharpen and move to the left moving down slightly. 

31. Open Glass element, resize by 40%, copy and paste as a new layer placing it next to the cupcake but under it if you get my meaning. Check my tag out to make sense of what i'm trying to say. 

32. Add your name and place where you want on your tag, i've placed mine on the righthand side at the bottom. 

33. Add your copyright and Save as a png. 

Thanks it we're done i hope you managed to follow my tutorial and enjoyed making it. Any questions pm and i will be pleased to answer them. 
Hugs and All the best for NEW YEAR and 2013
Gem xx

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Raise Your Glass to the New Year

Raise Your Glass To The New Year
Tag and Forum Set

This tutorial was written by me Fairygem on the 23rd December 2012, and is all my own idea. If there is any resemblence any other tutorial it is purely coincidental.

For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro - I am using psp9
Artist of choice for two tubes - I am using Arthur Crowes awesome work which you can find HERE
Scrapkit of choice or the one i am using by Tasha called After the Party which you can grab HERE
My Template which you can get HERE
Font of Choice or the one i am using-Dean Martin Swing  HERE
Plugins - Mura Miester - Copies
Eye Candy 4 - Gradient Glow and Glass

Ok lets begin with the Tag
1. Open my template copy and delete the original 
2. Highlight the Spike layer, selection float, selection defloat. Open paper 6 and resize by 85% twice copy and paste as a new layer, selections invert and delete the paper hanging over. Delete the original.

3. Highlight the Oval layer, Selections float, selections defloat and open paper 3. Resize by 85% twice, copy and paste as a new layer, selections invert and delete the paper hanging over. Delete the original.

4. Highlight your right small oval and merge down to the left small oval. Selections float, defloat and open paper 4, Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete the paper hanging over. Delete the original.

5.Highlight the middle circle, selections float, defloat and open paper 5, resize by 85% twice. Copy and paste as a new layer, invert and delete the paper hanging over. Delete the original.

6.Highlight left rectangle, selections float, defloat and open Paper 1. Resize by 85% twice, Copy and paste as a new layer, selections invert and delete the paper hanging over. Do not deselect.

7. Highlight your tube, copy and paste into the left rectangle, place where you wish the tube to be and hit delete. Delete the original layer. Keep your tube layer selected.

8. Change the blend mode of your tube to Hard Light.

9. Follow steps 6-8 for the right side rectangle.

10. Highlight your two frames and merge together. Selections float, defloat add a new layer and flood fill with 7e2828. Deselect and delete the original layer.

11. I have left the Champagne and wordart background the way they are, but if you want you can change them to your own liking.

12. Highlight the wordart, selections float, defloat and add a new layer. Flood fill with #950101, deselect and delete the original layer. Eye Candy 4 Glass with settings below.
Glass settings

13. Open your main tube, resize, copy and paste as a new layer. Place where you would like or where i have placed mine, look at finished tag for placing. Give a drop shadow of -2,2.50 and 5.

14. Open the bow element, resize by 45%, copy and paste as a new layer. Place it at the right hand side frame. Look at mine for placement.

15. Open the Music Cross, resize by 40% copy and paste and place on the left hand side frame.

16. Open the Glitter spray, resize by 85% copy and paste under the tube at the bottom.

17. Open Firework 3, resize by 65% copy and paste as a new layer placing on the right side. Copy and mirror, merge down and move to underneath the rectangle layer.

18. Open Firework 1, resize by 45%, copy and paste as a new layer place it to the left of the main tube. Rotate, free rotate by 12%. Duplicate and mirror then merge down.

19. Add your name,colour 6c0202, then Eyecandy 4 Gradient glow settings as below.
gradient glow settings1
gradient glow settings2

20. Add your copyright and save as a png.

Now for the Forum Tag

1. Open your working space 600x250

2. Copy and paste your half tube as a new layer. Place to the right side of your workspace. Duplicate and move the duplicate to the middle of the workspace.

3. Mura Miester Copies Rotate settings as below
mura meister settings

4. Adjust, blur and Radial Blur settings as below.
radial Blur settings

5. Open paper 1 and resize by 85% copy and paste above the copies layer. Change the blend mode to overlay.

6. Crop your workspace back to 600x250.

7. Open the Cityscape element, resize by 85% copy and paste underneath the main tube.

8. Open Firework 2, copy and paste behind the cityscape layer and move to the top lefthand corner. Duplicate and mirror then merge down.

9. Find a fat font, i used Impact and write out 2013 above the cityscape layer but below the tube layer. Drag  the font so that it fits the whole workspace. Change the blend mode to Soft light.

10. Open the Champagne bottle and resize by 65% copy and paste as a new layer placing in the middle of the cityscape element.

11.  Add a new layer, select all and contrast by 6, invert and flood fill with a colour of choice.

Add your name as before and use the same gradient glow settings. Add your copyright and save as a png.


This one is pretty damn easy.

1. Go to your forum tag and resize your main tube by 85%.

2. With your crop tool go around your tube till you have 180x150.

3. Add a new layer select and contrast by 3 invert and flood fill with the same colour used in your forum tag.

4. Add your name and use the same gradient settings as before. Add copyright then save as a png

Thats it we're done hope you found my tutorial fun and easy to follow, but remember this is only a guideline make the set your's with your own personal touches. Any questions leave me a message.

Gem xxx