This tutorial was written by me on 1st April 2012 and is my own creation, any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental. You must have a working knowledge of Psp to do this tutorial.
For this tutorial you will need:-
Paint Shop Pro - I am using Psp9 but any version will work.
Tube of choice or the one i am using which is Ismael Rac and you must have a license to use his artwork which you can find
Scrapkit of choice, I am using one of Purples FTU kits called Self-harm Awareness. This kit means alot ot me as i am a self-harmer and hate the way people judge me. I am hoping that this tutorial and Purples Kit makes people realise we are normal people but with inner and outer scars. You can find the Kit
Mask and Template - These were created by me and you can find them
Please remember when downloading to say thank you it takes seconds but means alot.
Plugins used :-
Eye Candy 4000 Gradient Glow
Xero - Fritillary
Ok lets begin
1. Open template in Psp, duplicate and close the original, delete the copyright layer and resize by 90%.
2. Place the mask in your mask folder in Psp.
3. Make the splat layer active, select all, float, defloat, opening Paper 6. Copy and paste as a new layer then invert delete. Delete the original layer. Add Gradient glow using settings below
Colour #3ddff7.
3. Highlight the Oval background layer, select all, float, defloat and add a new layer. Flood fill with #1dbacd. Add noise 35% and deselect, delete the original layer. Add the gradient glow previously used.
4. Highlight the Oval layer, select all float, defloat. Open Paper 10 and resize 85% twice, copy and paste the paper as a new layer then invert and delete, deselect. Delete the original layer.
5. Highlight the Square and Line layer, select all, float, defloat. Open Paper 12, copy and paste as a new layer, invert delete. Delete the original layer and add gradient glow as previously used.
6. Select the inner square, select all, float, defloat. Open paper 5, copy and paste as a new layer, invert delete. Do Not Deselect.
7. Open your tube, if your using the same one as me open the close up. Copy merged then paste onto working canvas, Resize by 75% and place where you want in the inner square, hit delete and deselect.
8. With your magic wand click on the top heart, expand by 2 and add a new layer. Flood fill with #bef7fc, deselect.
9. With your magic wand click on the middle heart, expand by 2 and add a new layer. Flood fill with #f9a979, deselect.
10. With your magic wand click on the bottom heart, expand by 2 and add a new layer. Flood fill with #a1deeb, Deselect. Merge the heart layers down the Xero Fritillary with settings below
11. Add gradient glow settings previously used then add a drop shadow of
12. Select flower 1 with your magic wand, add a new layer and flood fill with #d94213 then deselect.
13. Select flower 2 with magic wand, add a new layer and flood fill with #089ab4 then deselect.
14. Select flower 3 with magic wand, add a new layer and flood fill #e75c37, delete the original layer and merge down the flowers.
15. Go to effect 3d effects inner bevel and apply the settings below
16. Highlight wordart background, select all float, defloat, add a new layer and flood fill with #e75c37, deselect then delete the original. Give the background the previous gradient glow.
17. Highlight the Wordart layer, select all, float, defloat and open Paper 9. Copy and paste as a new layer,invert delete, deselect and add the previous inner bevel used. Delete the original layer then merge both background wordart and wordart together.
18. Copy and paste your tube as a new layer, resize by 75% and place to the right side of your image.
19. Highlight your wordart and select so that it has the marching ants round it. Go back to the tube layer and grab your erazer tool and eraze the tube at the feet and left arm so that they are above your tube.
20. Now to start adding Elements. Open the charm element, copy and paste as a new layer. Place it at the hearts so that its standing at the top of them.
21. Open Bow 2 and resize by 45%, copy and paste as a new layer moving it to the top of the charm.
22. Open flowers1, and resize by 60%, copy and paste as a new layer placing on the right side of the frame under the wordart, see my tag for placement.
23. Open hearts1, resize by 75%, copy and paste as a new layer and place below the flowers element and tube. Add the previous dropshadow.
24. Open the Vase element, resize by 65% twice, copy and paste as a new layer and place it underneath the wordart to the left, duplicate and move to the right side of the word art and merge down.
25. Highlight yoru bottom layer and open Paper 8. Copy and paste as a new layer, then go to Layers load mask from disk. Find the Tears mask and add to paper settings as below
Delete mask then merge group. Go to your Raster Deform tool and pull the mask down from the top and up from the bottom so that its not touching the edges, then pull out the mask from the left and right side so that it can be seen below the template.
26. Add your name - I used Brush Script STD with #e75c37 for the outline at width 1 and #89ab4 for the inside of the font. Add the previous Gradient glow and drop shadow.
27. Add your copyright and license number and save as a png.
Thats it we are done, i hope you enjoyed my tutorial and followed it easily. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Gem xxx